
Exploring the Unknown Parts of the Red Sea

The Story

The Aims

Our objectives

Planning ANEOM Project has become passion of ours almost as much as diving itself. After so many years of waiting due to the prohibition to enter into these waters, the opportunity is finally here. We can assemble a group of like-minded people, publicize three scientific projects and show to the world what diving in the Eastern part of the Red Sea has to offer.

To tell an unknown story, to explore and monitor the ecosystem and biodiversity of the underwater world in cooperation with marine biologists and scientists. To describe and document the whole expedition. To produce a series of online videos, documentary film, and photographic content about this unique sea land, with the emphasis on seagrass, shark population, and coral reefs.

Influence others that there is still pristine and unspoiled nature to discover. To visit it means to have own experience and therefore the reason to care. We will be exploring, documenting, and researching significant territory of coastline waters. The whole expedition is designed to create a deeper understanding of the fragile marine ecosystem and give the participants tailored knowledge and the opportunity to contribute to the process.

We are dedicated to our project explore and map new diving sites, monitor the biodiversity and overall condition of the marine life, and create a series of documentary outcomes about the expedition with the focus on main coastal ecosystems, seagrass, corals, and shark populations. 

Explore the unknown

Since ancient times, man has strived to explore the unknown and explore the mysterious. Human history is filled with stories in which people transcend the limits of the known world and the limits of the self. Our vast world has always provided opportunities for people to uncover the uncharted. Over time, however, humans have reached the remotest corners of our earth. The depth of the oceans has been visited, the world’s tallest mountain has been climbed in long queues, and even the forests are no longer so unknown to us. It would seem as if there is not much left to discover in the world.

This is also true of the world of diving. For what else is the passion for diving but the desire to discover new worlds and to stand where no one has gone before. However, all the major dive sites have had their names for a long time. Mass safaris are organized to them and one feels that one is not an explorer but a tourist in a huge crowd of other people.

So is it still possible to have a real sense of discovery today? Yes, it is. Even today there are attractive locations in the world that encourage to be discovered. Even today, one can find places that offer beauty that one has never known before. One such place is now in our sights. Thanks to the help of leading Czech scientists, we will be able to reach places that few people have been able to reach before us. Thanks to a great team of filmmakers, we will let you look under the surface of places that are not normally accessible.

Preserve the fragile

We are aware that the beauty of the underwater world is extremely fragile. It is difficult to tolerate long-term exposure to humans. We would therefore like to map and thus help protect this important region, which has the potential to become the next destination for thousands of tourists in the coming years. This poses a significant risk to it. It is now protected by inaccessibility. Despite being within the sight of some of the most famous dive locations, it has not yet seen the tourist crowds. We therefore want to help prevent the damaging and abuse of this beautiful underwater world.

So we’re the first to map a part of the eastern coast of the Red Sea. Under the guidance of scientific capacities, we will participate in research that will open the door to further exploration in this area. Our targets will include seagrasses, sharks and, of course, coral reefs.

An unforgettable experience

This is an opportunity to combine fun and useful activities under one brand. Diving in pristine, unexplored waters is the dream of many divers. However, the main effort is to participate in helping scientists increase knowledge of the site and thus protect it for future generations. All this will be recorded in a professional documentary about the expedition.

Everything will be supervised by experts in their field. Every member of our expedition will be scientifically prepared by a CMAS instructor. Each diver will leave with a marine Scientific Diver certificate. The filming section will be handled by an experienced underwater filmmaker team.

The task we have set ourselves is not easy and cannot be accomplished in one expedition so it is a long-term project. However, everyone can contribute a little bit and everyone can be the one who succeeds in discovering a site of world importance. Everyone can make a mark in the history of marine exploration.

Join our cause

Our inspiration, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, once said, “When one person, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself.” So we want to share this unique opportunity with everyone, inviting you to learn, explore and create with us.

We’re raising the sails in spring 2023. If you want to be part of our project, don’t hesitate long. Places are limited.


The biodiversity of the Red Sea is truly limitless and a few scientific expeditions are not enough to study it. To make the idea not too scientific, but interesting and popular, we decided to combine the expedition with diving in the unmapped parts of the sea. As a bonus, every participant will be given a vast amount of theoretical and practical knowledge of the silent world, guided by our marine biologists and professional instructors. 

Such a decision provides us with a unique opportunity to shoot a completely new video format that combines important results for the world of academic science with drive, fun, and an exciting journey through the pristine areas.

Just think, you can combine your favorite activity, scuba diving, with something really meaningful for the whole world! Such an adventure will become an unforgettable stage of your life, a real reason for pride! Our joint efforts will add to the collection of the world’s intellectual heritage, providing access to an unlimited number of viewers to the amazing biodiversity of this ecosystem.

The project also seeks to develop international university collaborations that will allow marine biology students to participate on the project. Hands-on science. This collaboration will result in the creation of model protocols and compendia that will contribute to scientific knowledge.

More information will follow shortly. Stay in touch!

E info@aneom.com

T +420 774 35 74 71